Hello humanity. Listen up, especially all of you who are not greedy. We are the majority and in a truthful democracy, we are the ones who our governments should be listening to, because the greedy have replaced their wisdom with intelligence and replaced their free will with freedom of choice.
It is time the slaves learn the truth about democracy, free enterprise and profit It is time you all realize that all those who are controlling all the democracies on the planet are people who have a criminal mindset and their intention is to burden you all with debts you will never be able to repay thereby making you a slave. Your debts WILL be passed on to your children ensuring they will remain slaves.
These people who are controlling the democracies are what I call clever criminals, because they are manipulating the rules that are supposed to provide a truthful democracy so they can run a system of legalized criminality called free enterprise.
To understand why I call free enterprise legalized criminality you must understand firstly that it did not start off as legalized criminality. In the beginning of the free enterprise system there was no credit and the owners of a ” business ” had to use their profit to grow their business and the amount of money they paid themselves was about two or three times more than they paid their workers.
The extra money they paid themselves was their profit and they would save it up until they had enough to hire more employees and expand their business. Profit was ” regulated ” by the rule of supply and demand and for this reason they had to make sure they paid their workers enough so they could afford to buy what they had produced. This is why the owners of a business only paid themselves two or three times the amount they paid their workers.
The rule of supply and demand works like this. The higher demand there is for something, the business can charge more for whatever it sells.
Unfortunately for us in the present, the clever criminals have created an endless demand. It is called credit and the clever criminals imply that the greater demand gives them the right to increase the price of goods and services the free enterprise system provides. They are not raising the prices because the cost of providing those things have increased but because they want more profit.
It is important to understand the two types of credit the clever criminals allowed. The first type is where the person who borrows the money pays the loan back at the same time that they pay interest on the loan. This is the type of credit the workers are allowed to get. The second type is, the borrower only has to pay the interest while the loan still remains to be paid.
This type of credit is what the business sector are allowed.
It is important to understand, the credit is supplied by the workers who put their savings into a bank or financial institution.
In the beginning, the financial institutions gave loans to businesses where they only had to pay the interest without having to pay any of the loan itself. This worked fine until the savings in all the financial institutions ran out. this is what caused the global financial crisis. Do not ignore it. The interest payments the financial institutions received in return for giving out interest only loans was not enough to continue to give out credit.
It is an unworkable formula. This is what caused the global financial crisis.
Credit also enabled the clever criminals to underpay the workers. Credit camouflages the fact that the workers are being underpaid. Superannuation was a scam introduced by the clever criminals because the financial institutions were running out of savings.
Because the workers were being underpaid, they could not save as much money as was needed for the financial institutions to continue to give out credit. So they forced the workers to save money by denying them a pay rise and in fact deducting money from their current wage to put into superannuation schemes to help support the financial institutions ability to continue to give out credit.
These superannuation schemes were the first sign that the financial institutions were running out of savings. Within two decades after the introduction of superannuation, we had the global financial crisis.
What was the solution ? Let us just print more money. Quantitative easing is what the American government called it. What the hell does that mean ?
It means that the credit they have been giving out since the global financial crisis is ” pretend ” money. It does not actually exist.
All of the major countries had to ” print ” more money to keep their economies going but who got the money they all ” printed ” ? You guessed it. The major financial institutions in all those countries, Do they have to pay it back to their respective governments ?
Here is a simple example of how a business is run. Income minus costs equals profit. Firstly let us examine costs. The first cost a business has is the cost of the ” raw materials ” the business needs to produce and sell the products it sells.
This means that the workers and bosses are already in debt before anyone even gets their first wage. To be able to pay the wages of both the workers and bosses, the business had to put a profit margin on the cost of the ” raw materials “. You would be surprised at how large that profit margin is. It is in the hundreds and even thousands of percent profit. All you workers seem to think that the profit margins are maybe twenty percent but you have been conned as I will explain in a minute.
The second ” cost ” is the ” cost ” of the wages of both the workers and the bosses.
Now, let us look at income. Income comes from the selling price of the products sold by the business. Let us look at what makes up the selling price. Well, the first part of the selling price has to cover the cost of the ” raw materials ” needed to produce and sell the products the business sells. That is quite reasonable. Both the workers and bosses should pay for the cost of the ” raw materials “.
The trouble is both the workers and bosses are in debt before they even get paid.
The second part of the selling price is the wages of both the workers and bosses. This is not reasonable or fair as I will explain in a minute.
The third part of the selling price is the profit margin the business chooses to put in place which is supposed to be based on the rule of supply and demand and as I have already explained, the clever criminals have created an endless demand by forcing credit on the workers by underpaying them.
Now I will explain why I said that including the cost of the wages of both the workers and the bosses in the selling price is unreasonable and unfair. The major part of the selling price is to cover the cost of wages, so when you buy products, you are basically paying your own wage. The business is not paying your wage. You are.
The only way you can say the business is paying your wage is if you don’t buy any products. To be able to do that, you would have to be self sufficient.
The fact that the businesses are allowed to insert their wages cost into the selling price means every time you buy products, you are paying your own wage, not the business. This is why I said at the start that the free enterprise system is legalized criminality. The businesses are cheating their workers. All you workers believe that the businesses are actually paying your wage. Your wage is built into the selling price of the products you buy. You are paying your wage. Not them.
A twist to this is, the businesses are allowed to claim their wages cost as a tax deduction even though they are not paying any wages. All the wages of the workers and bosses are built into the selling price of their products so everyone who buys their products pays for their wages. Wages should not be included in the selling price. Wages and expansion of business is supposed to be paid by the truthful profit which is the cost of the ” raw materials ” plus a profit margin.
This scam of making the workers pay their own wages is the main reason why prices keep going up, As the businesses hire more workers, their wages cost goes up and they raise the selling price of their products to cover the wages of new employees.
By including their wages cost in the selling price, businesses are basically implying that their wages cost is income, which is a total con. You can not claim that your wages cost is income at the same time that you claim it as a tax deductible cost.
Profit is an illusion. The truthful definition of profit is, ” getting something for nothing “. You can only ” get something for nothing ” in two ways. You could find a lump of gold or something of value that nature produced that no one has a ” claim ” to or you steal from others and that is what the businesses are doing. They are stealing from the workers.
All of the businesses on the planet that claim they are making a profit have debts that are far greater than their so called profit otherwise they would all be able to pay off their debts. Even if the bosses and their overpaid yes men were being paid the same wage as their workers, the businesses would still have debt and in fact their debts will always keep increasing because of the cost of the “raw materials”.
Why are the bosses allowed to ” reward ” themselves ? ” Rewarding ” yourself is the ultimate nepotism and is what criminals and dictators do. Their workers should be the ones who decide how much the bosses get rewarded.
Even the taxation system is ” geared ” in favor of the clever criminals. If the bosses wage is ten times the amount the workers get, then the bosses tax rate should be ten times the rate the workers pay.
PROFIT IS AN ILLUSION, so why are the bosses allowed to reward themselves and their yes men with multimillion dollar pay packets ?
All of the democracies on the planet are being controlled by people who have a criminal mindset. The criminal mindset is…” I am entitled to unlimited wealth “. All of the politicians who control the democracies support this mindset. If any of you believe that any human deserves to have unlimited wealth, you also have a criminal mindset. All of those who have a criminal mindset are greedy. There are four stages of greed. First stage–lying. Second stage–cheating. Third stage–stealing. Fourth stage–imposing you will over another consciousness.
All of those who have a criminal mindset cause injustice to others.
If you want an example, just look at all the financial institutions, especially the major banks. How many times have they been caught lying to, cheating and stealing from their customers ? It does not matter which major party is in power. The government always lets the banks get away with this criminal behavior. Nothing changes.
Let me ask all of you who are not greedy, do you believe a truthful democracy would punish anyone who has not caused injustice to another ?
There are no truthful democracies on the planet because they all punish people who are not causing injustice to others, specifically people who use illegal drugs and there are many other people who are also being punished even though they have caused injustice to no one.
All these people have done is to break unjust and/or hypocritical laws that have been put in place to allow the clever criminals to legally extort money from humanity. All the fines they impose on people who use illegal drugs are just legalized extortion. Most people who use illegal drugs do not cause injustice to others and the handful that do cause injustice to others would do so even if they were not using illegal drugs.
The governments of all the democracies on the planet are more than willing to punish and extort money from, people who have not caused injustice to anyone, yet the major banks are allowed to get away with their criminal behavior to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
All the democracies on the planet are false, and for this reason, I prefer to call them PSEUDOMOCRACIES.
An indication of their falseness, is the fact that the populations of pseudomocracies, who are mostly non greedy people, are no longer voting political parties into office and are now voting political parties out of office. This has been going on for a couple of decades now. Unfortunately this does no good because both major parties are in the pockets of the clever criminals. Most of the politicians in the major political parties are clever criminals as well.
Put in a government full of independents. This is the only way a truthful democracy will ever come into being.
The majority of the people are unhappy about the falseness of the pseudomocracies and the fact that the governments of all of them are being manipulated by the business sector, which is being run by the greedy, or as I prefer to call them, the clever criminals.
Clever criminals accumulate way more wealth than the actual criminals do and the only reason actual criminals don’t become clever criminals, is because there are only so many seats at the table of legitimized greed.
One thing everybody has to understand is that the ” worth ” of all those billionaires and multimillionaires is based on their “possession” of over valued assets that are bought with credit. I used the word possession on purpose because the assets have not been paid for yet. They do not actually own the assets if they have not yet paid back the credit they borrowed to buy the assets.
Anybody who thinks that a person who wants to live in a multimillion dollar mansion is not greedy, is truly lacking in wisdom, the lack of which, is the result of the enforcement of the second legitimized injustice, which all those born into a pseudomocracy are forced to accept at a time when they are young and vulnerable, and those who want to protect them, their parents, are punished for refusing to allow the authorities to enforce their legitimized injustices on their children.
The first legitimized injustice is forced vaccinations. The second legitimized injustice is forced education. The allowance of legitimized injustices into law is the behavior of dictatorships.
A long time ago, before there were pseudomocracies, governments and the authoritarian bodies that enforce their rules, even before there were dictatorships and gangs of organized thugs who ruled the people with violence, there were only small groups of people who tried to be helpful to one another because life was harsh. Back in those days, it was easy to pick the criminals amongst us. They were the ones who wanted more than the rest, and used intimidation and violence to get what they wanted.
This trait of wanting more than the rest is called greed.
If no one was greedy, we would not cause injustice to others.
So what is greed ? Basically, greed is the desire to generate positive energy. Positive energy is mainly generated from having possessions.
Here is the problem with the world today. There are three levels of life.
(1) Necessities / safety, clean air, clean water, healthy food, communication and entertainment. (2) Comforts / protection from wind, rain, cold and heat. (3) indulgences / Anything more than (1) and (2).
The majority of the people on the planet do not have the necessities of life and I find it unsettling that the elite in the western pseudomocracies feel they need to place themselves so far above those who do not have the necessities of life.
Surely, they can not truthfully believe they deserve to be so outrageously ” rewarded ” while the majority of humanity do not even have the necessities of life.
Greed is the first step of corruption of the conscience. There are five steps to total corruption of the conscience. They are, becoming greedy, lying to get what you are greedy for, cheating to get what you are greedy for, stealing to get what you are greedy for, and imposing your will over others to get what you are greedy for.
Once you reach the final step, you are a bully at the least, and a dictator at the worst.
The pseudomocracies promise freedom to all those who want to join them, but what sort of freedom is it that these pseudomocracies offer ? There are two ways that you can interpret the word freedom to mean.
Freedom from something, or freedom to do something.
The pseudomocracies imply that they provide freedom from something.
Is it freedom from injustice ? There is so much injustice going on it is a joke, and a lot of injustice is being caused and condoned by those who are controlling the pseudomocracies. All in the name of greed.
When pseudomocracies make laws that punish people who have not caused injustice to another, these laws are what I call legitimized injustices.
These legitimized injustices are many, and more are coming into effect every year.
So what kind of freedom do these pseudomocracies promise to provide if they can not even provide freedom from injustice ?
Is it freedom from homelessness ? Sorry, not here in Australia. Lots of homeless people here.
Is it freedom from hunger ? Wrong again. Plenty of hungry people in Australia.
Is it freedom from ill health ? More than 60% of Australians are overweight, with half of them being obese.
Freedom from injustice, homelessness, hunger and ill health. These are the basic freedoms I would expect a truthful democracy to not only provide but protect as well.
So what is the freedom that the pseudomocracies provide ?
It is the freedom to be as greedy as you want to be. This is the only freedom a pseudomocracy provides…and protects with a vengeance.
This is why the economies of pseudomocracies are run on competition and greed. The opposite of competition and greed is co-operation and generosity. Do you want a life of competition and greed or a life of co-operation and generosity ? Co-operation and generosity will only be possible when there is a truthful global democracy.
The worst criminals in the world today, are all those who are controlling the pseudomocracies. These are the clever criminals who set up a system that legitimizes their greed to the point where they can steal from the people, and are protected by the legal system which is in their pocket.
Which brings me to the concept of justice. Are you aware there are three types of justice ? There is retributive justice, rehabilitative justice and truthful justice.
Retributive justice is the type we are all familiar with. This is the type of justice the pseudomocracies pursue. The result of this type of justice is a revolving door of criminals in all the jails of the world.
Rehabilitative justice is where those who cause injustice to others are rehabilitated and never cause injustice to others again. This of course, never happens.
Truthful justice is the absence of injustice. The only way truthful justice can be achieved, is when greed is treated like a crime, as it should be. If no one was greedy, we would not cause injustice to others.
As children grow, the greedy ones need to be rehabilitated before they become adults, otherwise you end up with the situation that exists in this world today. The clever criminals take control, and corrupt any system of justice that is meant to keep them under control.
The first two chapters of the book of wisdom in the catholic bible warned us about these people and described them perfectly, but the roman catholic church aided and abetted these clever criminals, by deleting the book of wisdom from the bible after 1914. Go to chapter three.
Anybody who believes that the governments of the western pseudomocracies are running the show are deluding themselves. It is obvious that the business sector are the ones who are manipulating the governments. In a truthful democracy, the governments would be controlling the business sector.
Once upon a time, profit margins were dictated by truthful supply and demand and this kept the financial system sincerely honest but the clever criminals created an endless amount of demand. It is called CREDIT. There is no amount of supply that can keep up to this amount of demand and the workers are now basically slaves being forced into debt by the greedy.
Now, instead of a sincerely honest financial system, we have a selectively honest financial system that regularly descends into being a deceptive financial system.. The worst thing about all the credit, is that more than 90% of it is being used by the clever criminals, who are already more wealthy than they deserve to be.
Humanity, it is time to UNFEED THE GREED.
The majority of us are not greedy. Enough IS enough.
People of the world, we have to demolish this system of TAG TEAM POLITICS that is the template for every western pseudomocracy in the world. if there was a political party that truly represented the whole population rather than the wealthiest 20%, They would never be voted out of office.
The closest a pseudomocracy can get to being a real democracy is when every member of parliament is an independent.
This would force them to behave like a true democracy. Majority rules without fear or favor. No more two major parties who are basically playing good cop, bad cop, and treating the people like fools. Oh, except for the wealthiest 20% of course.
Yes, the only freedom these pseudomcracies provide and protect, is the freedom to be as greedy as you want to be. They call it free enterprise but it is really legalized criminality.
Do you want truthful justice ?
The first step is to create a government full of independents. Stop voting for the major parties.
If you are in a position to run as an independent, do so. Give the people more choice in government.
Finally, level the financial playing field. STOP USING CREDIT, because all the credit is camouflaging the GLOBAL PONZI ECONOMY that the clever criminals are controlling.
The fact that you are all accepting this situation shows that you all have no free will.
It is important to understand what free will actually is. The roman catholic church has pushed the idea for many centuries that free will is the ability to choose to do good rather than evil but free will is deeper than that. All those who choose to do evil, do so because they are pursuing experiences that will give them cause to generate positive energy. If you have free will, you do not pursue positive energy or avoid negative energy experiences that are beneficial to you. If you do, you will lose your free will.
In fact, the roman catholic church equates having free will with having a conscience and we all know that our conscience is supposed to guide our decision making.
Unfortunately, we have all been conned by the authorities to allow them to be our conscience and they are allowing and in some cases, forcing people to do things that their conscience would normally tell them is not the right thing to do.
The majority of you who would say you are not greedy, are behaving like greedy people because you have allowed the authorities to override your conscience. This is why the majority of you are overweight, and don’t let the authorities convince you that you can be overweight and still be healthy. That is not truthful at all.
The easiest and cheapest form of positive energy is tasty food and drink and this is why the majority of you are overweight. You are pursuing positive energy. The more positive energy you generate, the more you will become greedy and the less you will listen to your conscience, which in turn weakens your free will.
This is the first thing you must understand. Free will is not just about the ability to choose to do good rather than evil. It is the ability to choose not to be controlled by positive energy or negative energy. After all, we all understand that if you want to control the free will of another consciousness, you do it by bribing with positive energy or threatening with negative energy.
I will now explain the difference between honesty and truth. Is there a difference between honesty and truth ? If you think there is no difference, you are mistaken. Here is the story of the difference between honesty and truth.
Honesty is many sides of a story but not every side of a story. Truth is every side of a story. The story of the difference between honesty and truth is a combination of two stories. The first story is the story of honesty and the second story is the story of truth. The story of honesty is only honest not truthful and the story of truth is truthful.
Here is the understanding of what I have just said. Truth is every side of a story. Truth cannot be less than every side of a story nor can it be more than every side of a story, therefore there are no more sides to the story of truth. When I say truth is every side of a story, I am being truthful.
When I say honesty is many sides of a story but not every side of a story, I am only being honest because there are more sides to the story of honesty.
There is sincere honesty and there is selective honesty.
Until you stop allowing selectively honest people to control your life, you will continue to be spiritually deceived.
The next thing I am going to talk about is global warming, because this is the most urgent problem that humanity has to sort out and we only have a short time to stop causing this problem before it becomes irreversible and unsurvivable.
Another problem that is just as urgent is overpopulation of the planet. The reason pseudomocracies allow overpopulation is because the more slaves they have, the more wealth the clever criminals can accumulate.
To understand global warming fully, you must know every side of the story. There are two sources of heat that affect the climate. The sun is the most obvious. The second is the heat from the core of the planet.
Nature has two mechanisms to prevent both sources of heat from becoming extreme. Nature produces ozone to prevent the heat from the sun becoming threatening to all forms of life on the surface of the planet. Ozone is produced when lightning interacts with oxygen. The highest percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is within rainforests at night because vegetation gives off oxygen at night. When lightning interacts with oxygen within rainforests at night, a huge amount of ozone is produced.
Humanity has destroyed roughly one third of the rainforests on the planet. The book of revelations has a warning to humanity that once we have removed a third of the forests, the ” trouble ” would begin. It is the angel that blows the first trumpet.
I have known for a long time that the second cause of global warming is the removal of the earth’s insulation which is the oil the greedy ones are removing from the crust of the earth.
The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also contributes to this global warming event but not as greatly as the thinning ozone layer or the removal of the oil from the crust of the earth.
All of the ” blankets ” of oil around the planet, absorb the heat from the core of the planet and release this heat to the surface of the planet at a much slower rate than if there were no blankets of oil.
For a planet to evolve and support life, it must first become a stable oil heater and it does this by producing oil in all the oceans and seas on the planet. The only way oil can be removed from an oil heater without there being negative consequences is if you can turn down the thermostat. We are unable to turn down the heat from the core. By the time this problem becomes evident, it will be too late to do anything about it because we will not be able to replace this insulation.
Oil is produced by oceans and seas, and wherever oil is being extracted on dry land, there used to be an ocean or sea at one time. It took more than a billion years of oceans and seas moving around the planet, making ” blankets ” of oil, before the surface of the planet became insulated enough for plants to be able to grow on the surface of the planet.
Up til now, I have not been able to provide any kind of evidence to support my wisdom, but I have seen an episode of Catalyst that was about Australia’s weather patterns for the last 100 years. One section of the program showed a map of Australia where the surrounding water temperatures were being discussed. They were saying that the waters between Australia and Tasmania were heating up at four times the rate of the average global ocean temperatures.
This hot spot in Bass Strait is caused by the removal of the oil, which they have been removing since 1967. Wherever they are removing oil, the temperature will rise. Another episode of Catalyst revealed that the waters in the Atlantic Ocean are becoming abnormally warm. This is due to the extraction of oil by a couple of thousand oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. These warm waters are killing the Great Barrier Reef. The whole of the Atlantic Ocean basin below the sea bed is full of oil.
Wherever there were oceans in the last billion years, there is oil and the greedy will not stop extracting the oil unless the non greedy force them to stop. What troubles me about this knowledge is that the intelligent ones have yet to suggest the possibility that the oil we are extracting from the crust of the earth is insulating the surface of the planet from the heat from the core of the planet.
Further evidence of the loss of heat from the core of the planet below the Atlantic ocean basin is something the authorities call the south Atlantic anomaly. This is a weakening of the earth’s magnetic field in the south Atlantic ocean. The loss of heat from the core causes the magma to become less fluid thereby causing a weakening of the earth’s magnetic field. This weakening of the magnetic field is spreading northwards to where the greedy ones are removing the oil from the gulf of Mexico.
Measuring air and sea temperatures does not tell every side of the story and the global warming critics use this to their advantage to discredit this global warming event. Because the air and water move around, the monitoring of their temperatures is too ambiguous .
An indicator of this ambiguity is the fact that the polar ice caps are melting from underneath rather than the ice that is exposed to the air. This means that the warming of the oceans is more of a concern than the warming of the atmosphere.
There are three possible reasons for the warming of the oceans. Underwater volcanic activity is one contributor. This is also the main cause of rising sea levels rather than the melting of the polar ice caps. When ice melts, the water that is produced takes up less space than the ice did.
The removal of the oil is another contributor to the warming of the oceans, for the reason I have already explained about oil insulating the surface of the planet from the heat from the core of the planet.
The contact of the atmosphere with the oceans is the least contributing factor to the warming of the oceans.
There is a third medium we should be monitoring the temperature of. That is the temperature of the earth itself. The crust of the earth does not move around like air and water and monitoring the temperature of the earth’s crust would be less ambiguous than monitoring the air and water temperatures
It is time everyone is given the truthful understanding of the six, six, six ( 666 ) message. It is not a spiritual message, it is actually a warning to humanity on the material level.
For those of you who do not know what six, six, six ( 666 ) is about, here is a brief explanation.
The roman catholic organisation have a book called the bible, that they claim contains a warning to humanity that an entity called six, six, six ( 666 ) will rule the world one day and that those of us who wish to live a spiritual life should not be tempted by the wonders that 666 will provide for humanity.
The reference in the bible to six, six, six is found in the book of revelations, or as it is called in the bible I have, the apocalypse of saint john the apostle.
The catholic bible I have was printed in 1914 and contains an interesting book called the book of wisdom, which you will not find in the bible today and I will be making references to it later.
The book of revelations, chapter 13 verse 18 says : Here is wisdom. Let those who have understanding, count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and the number of him is six hundred and sixty six.
The original message was not written with the words six hundred and sixty six. It was written with the numerals six, six, six ( 666 ).
These three numerals can be understood in two ways by a wise person who understands how to count. They could be six hundred and sixty six, in which case you can’t count it, or they could be point 666, which you can count.
Anyone who has an understanding of mathematics should be able to count point 666. The answer is two thirds.
Some people believe that six, six, six can only be solved by using numerology and the catholic organisation does not discourage this idea, even though the god in their bible makes it clear that astrologers, soothsayers and the like, which I’m sure includes numerologists, are deceivers and replacing letters with numbers is not counting anyway.
Here is wisdom, let those who have understanding, count the number of the beast, for it is six, six, six.
Okay, we can’t count six hundred and sixty six but we can count point six, six, six and the answer is two thirds.
Two thirds of what ?
Two thirds of the trinity of energies.
There are three energies in the universe.
We are all familiar with negative and positive energy.
These two energies are what the material universe is made of.
The third energy, which I prefer to call neutral energy but our scientists call dark energy, is not as familiar to us as negative and positive energy even though we experience it every moment of our lives.
It is gravity, which is neither negative energy or positive energy.
Three energies. Negative, positive and dark which I prefer to call neutral.
Neutral does not mean a balancing point between negative and positive energy. Neutral energy is a separate energy to negative energy and positive energy.
How do we identify which two thirds of this trinity is being represented by six, six, six ?
Well, there are a couple of clues to guide us. Six, six, six is called the beast and there are two other beasts that are mentioned in the same chapter.
The book of revelations : chapter 13 verse 1 : And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea ….This is the oil the greedy ones are removing from the crust of the planet.
Chapter 13 verse 11 : And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth…This is the coal the greedy ones are removing from the ground.
It’s obvious that if we are going to look at two thirds of this trinity, it will be negative and positive energy which is electricity, and this is backed up by the two previous verses.
These two beasts give six, six, six it’s power. Six, six, six is electricity.
The first reaction I get from people I tell this to is …. What ? So we can’t have electricity ?
No. That is not what the message is telling us, because there is more to the message than these three verses from chapter thirteen of the book of revelations in the catholic bible. There are two other books in the catholic bible that contain other parts of the message. They are the book of genesis and the book of wisdom which is no longer in the catholic bible.
666 which is electricity is not the bad guy. It is those who are using it to feed their greed that are the bad guys.
This is evidenced by the following verse from the book of genesis.
Chapter 2 verse 15 to verse 17 : And the lord god took man and put him into the paradise of pleasure, to dress it and keep it. : And he commanded him, saying : of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat : but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death.
Notice anything different about the wording in this bible compared to the bible of today ? It’s the reference to the paradise of pleasure. In the modern bible, this paradise of pleasure is referred to as the garden of eden, and it’s no wonder the catholic church changed the wording to the garden of eden. Calling it a paradise of pleasure does not sound spiritual at all, yet, up until 1914, it was never called the garden of eden. It was called a paradise of pleasure.
The instruction to not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil has nothing to do with a real tree. It has to do with knowledge of positive and negative, which is the study of the laws of physics. This will be explained further in chapter 5.
Herein lies the problem with the catholic organisation. They will alter the message to suit their own purposes. How much more have they altered or gotten rid of, such as the book of wisdom ?
A very interesting book, the book of wisdom. The first two chapters actually tell us how to recognise the bad guys, and the method they will use to impose their will on the rest of us,
The fact that the Vatican got rid of the book of wisdom shows me that they are aiding and abetting the bad guys.
What else would you expect from an organisation that not only protected paedophiles in their organisation but also aided and abetted nazi SS officers to escape from Germany after the second world war, by giving red cross passports to as many as 2,500 Nazis so they could escape the punishment they deserved.
This information can be found in a documentary titled Elusive Justice.
You see, all the words in the bible can be interpreted in different ways but 666 can only be interpreted one way. It is two thirds, and the reference to 666 being called the beast is simply that it can do a lot of work for humans which is what electricity does.
666 which is electricity is not the bad guy. It is those who are using it to feed their greed that are the bad guys.
These people are oppressing the poor, and have set up pseudomocracies so they can steal from the non greedy. They also steal from the greedy but the greedy don’t care because they are allowed to steal from the non greedy and greedy as well.
Every magistrate and judge should be totally opposed to the unjust and hypocritical marijuana laws, but there greed overrides any wisdom they may have because they do not love truthful justice.
Only those who are not greedy love truthful justice and only they should be in positions of power, to ensure truthful justice prevails.
Hi, i am rab. i am the final messenger. The message i am repeating was given to the white skinned race thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, the catholic church commandeered the message and allowed the message to be adulterated so that humanity could be deceived.
Basically, this website is a book that i call the spiritual connection. These writings are not yet complete but i feel a sense of urgency because the wicked are giving greed ( credit ) to anyone who wants it regardless of whether they can pay it back or not. This was the cause of the global financial crisis.
Because i am in my 60’s i have very little skill on the computer and i don’t know how to enable people to download this information yet.
i hope to enable people to download each chapter separately because it will be quite some time before these writings are complete.
Even though i feel my words are adequate, there are occasions when i re-write or add more information to various sections of these writings.
If you have the wisdom to understand the message, then stop using credit and eat healthy, unprocessed food and spread the message.
This information is not for sale and i do not give anyone permission to sell it.
rab enliht